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The profession of developer has become a real strategic profession within companies.

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The developer’s job consists of creating, writing, testing and documenting websites, applications or software. The developer works in a team, usually with clients, project managers and other developers.

There are 3 main types of developers depending on the applications they develop:

The web developer is the one who creates applications for websites, uses:
  • front-end languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript): allows you to code what the end user will see
  • back-end languages (Java, PHP, Node JS, Python, Ruby) which allows you to code everything that the user does not see. For example communicating with the database, sending emails, security, payment management, …)
  • The native developer who creates system specific applications (windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, AS400, UNIX…)
  • The hybrid developer who creates applications that can run on multiple systems

Front-end Developement

Back-end Developement


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